Contact us

Hiya, Thank you so much for choosing us to render our interior design expertise for your project. We are elated to work with you and promise to deliver excellent services that leads to a lasting relationship over the years. Kindly answer the questions below to help us better understand your needs and style.

just a few questions to help us serve you better

Gender :
Age Bracket :
How best can we reach you?
How did you hear about Structured Spaces?
What Stage is the project currently at?
Building Type:
Owned or Rented space?
Do you have a Budget?
As part of our design process, we create 3D models and CGIs that depict how your space will look at the completion of the project (This service is a paid service). Would you like this service?
What will you say your design style is?
Structured Spaces would like to take and post pictures of your project for our social media and website portfolio:
As part of our process, a company representative will visit your project site for analysis purposes (This service attracts a small fee but does not apply if you're paying a DESIGN FEE). Would you like this service?*
N:B – Clients whose sites are outside the Abuja Metropolis will provide the means of transportation for site visits or will have to pay a Transportation Fee which is dependent on the location of the site.

just a few questions to help us serve you better

Katampe, Abuja

Contact Us.